24 October 2012

Blowjobs, Rape and Preeclampsia

Hello again! This time around in English, perhaps some of you will appreciate that ;)
Today the subject will be more serious, I'll be discussing science! And it's implications for society, and I'll even touch upon censorship of science. But let me start with a little story about how I got to find the particular piece of science that lead to all these reflections.

So, there I was, procrastinating and flipping through random web pages, when I came upon this article, ”Eight things you didn’t know you could do with human sperm” - fascinating reading, though I personally wouldn't eat anything cooked with sperm, and also... skin softener. Seriously? Just.. ew.

Anyway, one of the suggestions was that sperm should help against morning sickness (as in, when you're pregnant and feeling bad all day, every day, for the first couple of months), leading me here, where it is suggested that oral sex (of the fellatio variety) would be an aid against this unpleasant unpleasantness. A (male) friend shared his first thought upon me smacking the article in his face: “what I think it's about: women should vomit more, so oral sex should help ????” (He only read the headline, bless him). 
It is indeed a tempting interpretation, but nay. It's actually a scientific study, which looks into possible causes for morning sickness, and it seems it could be a reaction of the woman's immune system to the unknown genetic material coming from the father-to-be. Apparently, explains Mr. journalist, the ingestion of semen helps make the female immune system used to male person's genetic material, thus assuring that her body doesn't react against it when exposed to it via the foetus, this being 50% somebody else. (Normal intercourse should work just fine as well.)
I clearly remember this study being all over my facebook front page with comments along the lines of “more blowjobs, ladies!” - but there's a tiny catch that people somehow seemed to miss: it only has a point if you actually intend to have babies with person in question (- and somehow I doubt the person sending this to my inbox had any intentions of babies, at least not with me. Still processing that one.)
I guess all these blowjobs wouldn't be all that useful once pregnant anyway, unknown genetic material is already in the body, so full exposure assured. Blowjobs before pregnancy!

But I'm getting sidetracked. What I actually want to get at is this: the same scientist, a Mr. Gordon Gallup, has conducted a study indicating that there might be a correlation between all this “(un)familiar semen” stuff and the likelihood of preeclampsia. For the non-initiated, it's a condition arising during pregnancy, which can only be resolved by abortion/miscarriage or giving birth, depending how far along in the pregnancy one is, as it can elsehow be life-threatening. The preeclampsia referred to in Gallup's paper seems to occur around the end of the first trimester, so someone is confused, surely me, probably wikipedia too, or maybe they're simply talking about different things with the same name. Anywho, the theory goes, basically,
”that preeclampsia is a biological mechanism that evolved to terminate maternal investment under circumstances in which the likelihood of investment by the sire is doubtful.”
In words a bit more down to earth (or more creative at least):
Back on the savannah in Africa in the dawn of times, a mother needed the assistance of the father to bring up offspring. Therefore, it was in her interest to have babies with a male specimen that was actually likely to stick around after contraception.
Now, the pre-modern human female could of course not pick and choose once pregnancy occurred, abortions not being available (at all?) and back in those days such useful stuff as condoms and hormonal contraception was not invented, so she would need some other mechanism to manage this business.
This is where the semen comes in. Frequent exposure (ahem) to semen from the same individual would be an indicator of some sort of relationship, and therefore higher likelihood that male specimen in question sticks around for the babies, too, and not just for the fun parts. Whereas unfamiliar semen would indicate, well, one-night-stands, guys-who-say-they'll-stay-for-the-babies-but-run-off, rape, other similar scenarios where daddy is highly unlikely to stay and help out.
And preeclampsia would be body's way of chucking out foetuses consisting of 50% such unfamiliar genetic material.
This is argued with all sorts of research and statistics and correlations and what have we not. Seemingly there has been no widespread outrage about this, so I guess it has been more or less accepted within the circles of preeclampsia research. The paper presents the numbers in convincing ways, that's easy enough, though, but it was published, at a respectable university, too, so I trust it's not utter and complete hoo-ha. I don't care about statistics and numbers, so I have no way of giving a qualified opinion on that.

I was never really convinced by all this evolutionary stuff, though. Seriously, you think gendered differences in our ways of hooking up nowadays can be explained by whatever someone did when humankind lived in caves (hundreds of) thousands of years ago? Whatever!


Now, all of this is very interesting, and many a blowjob-joke can be made, but on a more serious level, I'm not entirely confident about the consequences of studies of the kind.

It's a few months ago by now, but surely at least someone out there remembers American candidate for Senate Todd Akin stating, “from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Everybody else has already written about why Mr. Akin is wrong in so many ways, ignorant, and seriously, what's wrong with that country? Just wow. It's not even like it's the first time something like that happened, they just keep going on the idiocy.

Apparently Mr. Akin's doctor source is a Mr. Willkens who honestly believes the nonsense he's letting out, so let's just ignore his crazy talk and hope Akin isn't elected, for the poor people who would have to live with the consequences of whatever stupidity he would support up and over there in Senate.


I mean, Mr. Gallup seems to be respected in scientific circles, from what I can gather, so no Mr. Willkens, but there's really not a far step from “pregnancy from rape is more likely to end in preeclampsia” to “you didn't get a miscarriage, so I guess it wasn't actually rape after all, see how your body wants the baby and all”, at least not if you're so beyond all common sense and empathy as Mr. Akin and similar minds. And let's face it, if he's even in politics, it's because someone would vote for him. Victim-blaming isn't all that uncommon.

Somehow, I guess the logical conclusion here would be that people like Mr. Gallup should censor themselves and only do research that might not give controversial results. If someone might use what you discover for some purpose you cannot support, or that larger society (or me) does not find acceptable, should you then stop researching?
Of course not, I'm not asking for or advocating auto-censorship in science, nor any other kind of censorship. We had enough of that already, and it has done extensive damage, perhaps still does. I'm sure Mr. Gallup means well with his study, I'm just not sure he considered how the results might be understood or used. Probably shouldn't be his responsibility either, but the responsibility of those reading about it.
It is surely not the first time such a dilemma presents itself, and there is likely no simple answer to it. At least, I can't find anything that works for me.

So, while we wrap our heads around that one... More blowjobs?*

*But seriously, use condoms! You can get gonorrhoea from that stuff, and that's not funny!

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